Laccocephalum mylittae- Native bread- Fire fungi

Quite a few years ago I was searching for Laccocephalum mylittae in WA hoping to clone it. I made a culture bank of all the successful clones from different species, but there was one I made from a burnt area which I just labelled fire fungi. I had cloned something from what was barely recognizable. Luckily it was sent off for DNA and came back as a match for Laccocephalum mylittae. So I had found it. Next trip I hope to see the fresh fruiting bodies and try the tuber.

Laccocephalum mylittae- clone 27-08-2016- PDA

The lump of mycelium could be the start of tuber formation. The culture was transferred to wheat grain which from memory was aggressive and that’s as far as I got before returning to the East Coast. The culture is still in action amongst growers in WA. Interesting that Laccocephalum mylittae is also native to China where it has a history of food & medicinal use and is now produced in liquid culture. It’s also a native of New Zealand. During the 2019 fires I searched the Mid-North Coast for the possibility of finding Laccocephalum mylittae but no luck, I did find plenty of Laccocephalum tumulosum. Laccocephalum mylittae has an underground sclerotia which traditionally is detected by it’s smell after bushfires in SA, WA.

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