Poisonous Australian Mushrooms

Information on the Toxicology of Australian native mushrooms is limited due to its short period of record keeping. Information for introduced mushrooms on the other hand can be obtained. Poisoning from Amatoxins needs immediate action to have a chance of survival. Keeping a sample can aid a Toxicologists in identification so the Doctor can determine the type of action needed.

Mushroom Poisons

List of Poisonous Mushrooms Worldwide

Italian Amatoxin procedure

Australian Amatoxin procedure

Identifying some common Poisonous Mushroom Groups and Individual Species in Australia.

Mushrooms containing Amatoxins are found in the following groups- Amanita, Lepiota and Galerina. Though some of these groups have Edible mushrooms they are best appreciated from a distance.

Australian Amanita pics

Chlorophyllum molybdites- Green Spored Parasol

Chlorophyllum hortense

Omphalotus nidiformis- Glow in the dark

Scleroderma species

Hypholoma fasiculare

Paxillus involutus

Agaricus xanthodermus group


LBMS (little brown mushrooms)




Boletes- A case of Death from Bolete Poisoning in Australia




A good book on learning to group mushrooms- All the rain promises and more by David Arora

Australian wild mushroom hunters on FB is good for Identification confirmation.

Joining a mycological society is good hands on learning, great field trips.


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