Lentinus sajor-caju

Lentinus sajor-caju is common on the Sunshine Coast where there is broad leaf privet. The name sajor-caju is Malay where they are considered good eating, I enjoy them and find the taste similar to oyster mushrooms. Sub-Tropics to Tropics along the East Coast. Easily cultivated.

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Lentinus sajor-caju has a distinct collar, cap margin inrolled with shallow gills running down to the collar, pale white in colour initially.


Best eaten young before they become tough.


Colour becoming pale yellow with maturity sometimes lasting weeks before decay.


Growing on broad leaf privet logs and dead privet trees.


Possible confusion with Poisonous Glow in the dark mushrooms Omphalotus nidiformis.

Pleurotus tuber-regime is similar but grows with Hoop pine.

Nutritional information

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